by Stephan Vasement

Stephan Vasement's first-ever long-form drop “RAW” blends horror and urban culture, capturing the tumultuous spirit of our times. This project uses animals as metaphors to mirror the chaotic state of the world and the emotional turmoil faced by today's youth. Vasement's work encapsulates the raw, visceral emotions and primal instincts that surface in response to contemporary challenges. Each piece in the collection portrays the current zeitgeist and offers a commentary on the collective human experience amid chaos.

Vasement crafted 50 original pieces for this generative collection, serving as the foundation for training his model. The result is a beautiful exploration of our collective psyche, showcasing his exceptional ability to intertwine technology with artistic expression. Known for pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms, Stephan integrates a finely-tuned AI model. His work challenges viewers to confront the darker aspects of modern life, making this upcoming drop a must-see for enthusiasts and collectors alike.

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